Join one of our Scouting Programs:
Lion Cubs
The Lion Scout program is for scouts who have are in Kindergarten (or are age 5). The Lion program is a limited program that allows the young scouts to have fun while learning good values at a young age. Once they earn this rank, they will move into the Tiger program.
Tiger Cubs
1st Grade
2nd Grade
The Tiger Scout program is for scouts who have completed Kindergarten (or are age 6). The Bobcat badge is earned prior to all other ranks. If a scout joins Cub Scouting as a Wolf, Bear, or Webelos, they must earn the Bobcat badge first before receiving any other award or rank.
The Wolf Scout program is for scouts who have completed first grade (or are age 7). After earning the Bobcat badge, a scout may earn the Wolf badge. Often, den meeting activities enable the Wolf Scouts to complete requirements toward an award or rank.
3rd Grade

5th Grade
4th Grade
Arrow of Light
The Bear Scout program is for scouts who have completed second grade (or are age 8). After earning the Bobcat badge, a scout may earn the Bear badge. They receive a Bear Scout handbook, Bear neckerchief, and Bear neckerchief slide when beginning the Bear portion of the scout trail. The scout will also need a blue Cub Scout Uniform. This part of the scout trail is intended to take one school year, preparing the scout to begin earning their Webelos rank after they complete third grade.
The Webelos Scout Program prepares scouts who have completed third grade or are age 9 but have not yet completed fifth grade or reached age 10 1/2 to bridge into a troop. Pronounced "WEE-buh-los", the word "Webelos" means WE'll BE LOyal Scouts. After earning the Bobcat badge, a scout may earn the Webelos Badge and then work towards Cub Scouts highest award, Arrow of Light Award. The Webelos Program is more challenging than the Lion, Tiger, Wolf, and Bear programs for younger Cub Scouts. Webelos Scouts take part in Cub Scout Pack meetings and activities as well as Webelos den meetings, activities, and outdoor fun.
Become a Scout Volunteer
Contact Us:
If you are interested in becoming a Cub Scout Leader please fill in the information on the left side of the page.
Email: pack138cfumc@gmail.com